smartUBC Mindfulness Program

smartUBC is a stress management and resiliency technique program. Course format: The 20-hour program is delivered in a workshop setting and consists of eight 2-hour sessions and a 4-hour silent retreat. The course is delivered by smartUBC certified facilitator Corinne Crockett, an adjunct professor at UBCO School of Nursing. This course trains participants to: • Manage stress through a greater understanding and control of emotions. • Employ self-care techniques to cultivate personal and professional resilience. • Create effective strategies for relating to challenging situations. • Enhance concentration and executive function (planning, decision-making, and impulse control) • Revitalize purpose, personally and professionally. • Improve personal overall mental and physical health. • Promote happiness through healthy habits of the mind. SMART involves experiential practices that promote: • Concentration, attention and mindfulness • Awareness and understanding of emotions • Empathy, compassion, and positive interpersonal communication.

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